Korbin daSilva

MSc (McGill, SCARP)

Adjunct Professor

Korbin is a senior real estate professional with experience planning, developing and building residential and mix used developments across the lower mainland and capital region which include townhome, mid-rise, high-rise and complex masterplan communities. 

Korbin formerly completed a MSc researching community based participatory model making for urban design at McGill University, and a MSc in Planning in the Urban Design Specialization from the UBC School of Community and Regional Planning. During his time at both McGill and UBC he participated in a number of SSHRC and NSERC research projects focusing on public participation, community design, and sustainable development visualization. 

Following school, a passion for wanting to see great projects come to reality motivated Korbin focus on a career in real estate development. 

Korbin remains actively engaged in fostering understanding between the planning and development industries through continued mentorship with the UBC Sauder Real Estate Program, and by serving as a Regional Committee Director for Urban Development Institutes Capitol Region.

Man in white button-up shirt


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